Friday, 15 June 2012

My Story mory

Assalamualaikum guys.. we meet again.  new semester come!!  I got new roommates, new lecturers, study comes burden as semester increase by semester, study ‘electrical engineering’  Which need a lot concentration, study most of the time, play less, have  to understand it unless you want to fail!

Ok, you got it what actually I want to say? It such a stressful for me to think of it. Stay far away from family, less accommodation, Dungun town not like Malacca town. Im feeling like alone at here.. missing mak and ayah, adik,abang n akaq.. rindu nak hang out ngan zura.. then, yesterday I go to the beach for release my sadness.  I call mak, ‘mak akim rindu mak.. nak balik Melaka, tapi xbkesempatan balik..’Terengganu is really far away. Takes 9hours to reach Malacca. Envy with those futher study near with home.. If I could study at Malacca.. IF!!  When I call mak, my happiness grows abruptly. But on the way back for college sad scenes still I can feel it! Ok, this night! Will call ayah! ^^

Night comes, call ayah pulak la.. need to be fair right?  I always fulfill what I’ve promised..  bila call ayah, (biasanya xde topik) so, I spit out about my study for this semester. I said ‘ayah,sem ni subjek akim susah.. T.T circuit2 lecturer ajar sikit2.. tunjuk jln keje, no notes!  Akim takut subjek sem nie.. blablabla….’ Then ayah answered, ayah talk a lot! Feels like tears will goes down. The most I remembered  ‘tu arr.mse cuti sem, bace novel, ayah suruh baca buku rujukan xnak bace.. (my face at that times like (-_-) ok..)’then ayah sambung..’xboleh macm ni, ko dah masuk u not a school students,you need to think as the way university students think, if your lecturer ,or cikgu or DR or prof teach u like that, then you have to approach her, you have to spit out what you don’t understand,  jangan leka.. blabla..’ at that time I just shut my mouth really tight at the same time crying (thinking that ayah xfaham aku! aku call sebab aku rindu fasal subjek tu saje je nak ngadu.. huhu amik ko kan dah kena ceramah free.. :’( )

Eyes turn swollen.. 0.0 muke xleh blah pas call ayah,tapi ati masih lagi xpuas ati.. call zura plak la… with her I talk a lot, I said to her what ayah said.  She said nothing. Yup! What ayah said is all true! But it hard for me to accept it.. susah nak cerna.. what she can do is to comforts me! Yeah.. this is what all girls do with their friend trying to comfort us when we feeling down..she makes me laugh.. hilang masalah kejap.. thanks zura ^_^ you are the one who always makes me feel better. Always trouble you right? I don’t care!! You need to be by my side forever! Hehe.. I’m too  selfish I know it..

Ayah, after the talk, I think a lot bout what you said to me..  and I just realize it why I always cry when talk with you on the phone. When I said I scared with that ,i couldn’t study.. you will give a free ceramah, you told me how to solve it, you teach me to recites doa, ask for Allah help.. yeah. I always do what you told me… but ayah actually I just want you to comforts me. I need you by my side. I’m missing the family.. that’s why I call you often..  Ayah, Akim will changes my mindset Inshaallah.. always do what you told me. But, I really want to ask this. Why you ask me to take this course. I’m  a girl this course is specially for a guy. You know I don’t like this! I never imagine will learn this meanwhile in school Akim never put interest in Physics subject. Never like engineer! I don’t think after this I will turns to be an engineer. Could you answer me?  (-.-)

Tapi Akim tahu deep inside in your heart, you want the best for me.. (hopefully family will visit me at bumi Terengganu nie.. tolonglah.. ^^  btw, ayah selamat hari bapa.. xpat kiss ayah tahun nie.. akim jauh..  akim bg flying kiss jelah.. akim sayang ayah taw. Take care your health..

Okay lets stop  about my yesterday story, actually I just want to tell you that, male n female, the way they thinking is really different.. like what happen to me.. my brother frequent ask me.. why perempuan is like that? She ask my opinion when I answered, she aren’t agree with me?  Then, if they don’t need my thought so don’t ask me la.. I will just smile when he complaint what he had going trough. And then kawan perempuan pun ada ask me about guy jugak. They don’t know how a man thinking.

I just got to know it.. ^^ lelaki, bila ada perempuan tell about their problem. Their mind will automatically reacts that you have to solve this. Cara laki berfikir, adalah penyelesaian. Tetapi perempuan perlu kan comforts. So, for a man who read this, if you have a girlfriend, you just need to listen to her don’t comment anything. You have to said something that will makes her lighten. You can say something like. “Be tough, I’ll be there for you. “  Don’t try to solve it yet they ask the solution from you. Then, you can take a relieves breath.

And for girl who finds for a comforts, you should find your same sex friends or perhaps your mother. Cuz, not all the man understand what you actually want when you told him. While, you find for a solution, then ask for a man help. Perhaps the one who closed with you. They would give really best opinion maybe.

Ok that’s all for now..tah pape la entry kali nie kan? Hehe suke ati aku la.. korang nak bace2 klu xnk, its ok for me.. :P ok arr nak g makan lunch! Lapau nie.. huhu tatai korang. Mam skali jom.. 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

SMK Bukit Katil dalam kenangan

hi guys! im back!! :D as what i've promised before. now, its time for  get to know bout my school life.. oh ya.. qima just bdak skola harian je.. bdak biasa,pakai baju putih kain biru..selalu datang skola lambat even mak y hantar g skola..hee.qima studied in a science stream.. tp akhrnye abes skola amik kos lain plak.. itulah percaturan hidup kan.. :)
this is my sweet school!! 

Skola ni, name die SMK BUKIT KATIL terletak di bukit katil,opposite with JABATAN KIMIA and neighbouring with PEPUSTAM(xtahu la tmpat ape tuh, org kate library tp xprnah nmpak plaja msuk pon?ermm..)sekolah ni banyak bagi kenangan pada qima even skola nie sering jadi perhatian pelajar2 samseng. what is it means? hee.. adelah...shhhhhhhhh.........
Bersekolah di SMKBK membawa makna besar bagi qima, dr sini, bermulanye.. ehem2 cinta monyet, dari form1 until form5.. mcam2 monyet dah y qima jumpe.. xdelah sampai couple2 nie.. xmaen arr, mak ayah masih lg bg duit g skola ade hati nak bcinta ye dok? qima just minat gitu2 jer... yeke? ^.^  only me and my friend knows it.. :D di sini juga ada guru y sangat2 berdedikasi.. siape tuh??? ehem.. nak announce boleh x?boleh la ea.. skali je.. :P jeng jeng...,orangnya adalah.. CIKGU HASLIZA!! merupakan guru ADDITIONAL MATHEMATHICS, beliau sangat dedikasi orangya..masih lg single taw,comel2 je orgnye... dan cikgu has sngt syg kn mse depan plajar2nye. Selain itu, ada juga guru disiplin.. siapa xkenal CIKGU MALIK.. sangat lah garang..cikgu ni la y banyak berjasa pd skola kejar n merotan budak2 nakal.. aisshhh... dan qima sangat2 lah xsuke terserempak ngan cikgu nie.. dupdapdupdap je ati ni taw.. huhu nasib baek lah dah out dr skola tuh.. cehh over kau qima..
Actually,banyak lg nak mention name nie.. tp t penuh plak 1 ruangan nie kan. so, qima short kn  disini, semua guru berdedikasi dalam mendidik pelajar nya.. guru mana yang xmahu pelajar mereka xberjaya dalam hidup kan? so, kita, selagi bergelar pelajar,siswa ,siswi dan seerti dengannya, hormatilah guru kita, belajar lah sungguh2.. ilmu y dipelajari itu nanti akan mmberi kesenangan pada kita.. faham anak2? huhu
over limit!tiiitttt.........
ini dia cikgu hasliza,with my classmates(girls). cuba teka y mana cikgu has? ^^
selain itu,(ceh.. wat karangan nie...) life kat skola ni jugak buatkan qima selalu berangan2 nk jadi mcm dalam citer BOF(korang mesti tahu kan? xkan xlayan kpop kutt.. ala y lee min ho acting tu y rambut die curly bagai tuh..ingat2??) hah, dlm scene BOF tuh, ade 1 tmpt y Jan Di n Ji Hoo suke lepak dekat balkoni skola..and fortunately time qima form5, kelas 5sains1 dpt kelas y ade balkoni kat luar die tuh...mmg sweet arr even balkoni tuh panas lah jugak time rehat,tp peduli ape kn?huhu n kt situ jugak lah tmpat kawan2 qima celebrate besday qima.. sweet kan? rindu life school!! ottoke.. :'( life must be go on qima!

Erm, life as student kat skola harian memang sangat2 biasa,siapa y aktif, pandai.. dialah y jadi perhatian dr guru dan qima bukanlah pelajar y seperti di mention di atas, not active and  x berapa cerdik..hehe so life mmg biasa2 aje..but as all known, yang sentiasa menceriakan idup kita kat skola adelah KAWAN! and qima sangat bertuah.. dengan adenya mereka hidup jd lebih meriah. susah senang mereka ada bersama..and im really2 want you all to know them.. :D please look for their pic k.. hee..
ini dia my best friends..,syahrina and syira...  specky girls :D
that boy is boy friend. die nie famous taw ! oops.. :p

farahin! budak pandai.. sangat pandai dalam addmath die jgaklah jd tutor xberbayar sye.. ngeeeee :D
weda.. or wahida.. bdak hot nih!!

pika.. my loyal friends.. :) miss u fika.. :'(

and.. this is nabil.. :D best friend qima y ehem, jiwang la sikit..sikit je..
ok, dsbbkn sye jd photographer,makanya muke sye xde dlm nie.. jelesnye!! cantik kn mereka? that indian girl is shalu or shalini.. :D she is really kind girl and supportive friend. :)

nabil, apis n ladi@ radzee.. :) this pic is taken after the end of SPM!!

apis sedapnye makan aiskim.. nak sikit!! ^^

2+2=4       kan weda?? :D

zura@nazurah.. kawan yang.. sentiasa ada susah dan senang die lah same ngan sye... she is really pretty,kind, and single too!! :D
syaena... kawan y sgt sye syg together with zura.. :)

sye dan beberapa org classmates.. :)
syaena.weda,apis,n nabil, thanks cuz arraged small party birthday for me.aku masih ingat lagi the small chocolate cakes.. we shared together..<3  terima kasih apis, nyanyi lagu besday tok aku..terharu derr..and then, we stands at the balcony until the recess end.. :) 7 october 2010 in my mind,always and always..

zura.. kita selalu gile2 curi keluar time cikgu xde.. pantang je xde cikgu.. mesti nak g bilik guru jalankan misi cuci mate dgn cikgu praktikal.. :D serius best time tuh bile msk u, dah xde dah nk cuci mate nie.. xde geng.. :D hehe..

korang dalam kenangan.. 
^^ guys.. looking your pictures really reminds me our memories at there.. seriously i miss all of you.. feeling like tears wanna comes out when reminds you all. hope you guys always succeed in what ever you do... missing you like crazy.. huhu..... 

qima azaa-azaa!! :)

lets get to know me..

Assalamualaikum.. ^^ hehe saye sdah ade blog lah!!anyway my name is NURHAKIMAH aka qima. Ehem, nak thanks a lot to nuyul(my classmate n also best friend in the institute where I studying right now) kamsahamida  cuz teach me how to create this blog. Dah lame sangat teringin nak buat blog nie and now baru sye ade keberanian nak create my own blog. Ngee…. :d

Ok, let me start this entry with ice breaking. :P xkenal maka xcinta kan? huhu..

selca ^^ time nih ngah try pakai tdg biasa with shawl style

selca lg.. wee :D  time nih ngah tggu TR uitm dungun berucap

and again... before going out,must snap2 dulu..

snap lg.. :D y nie special skit.. ni before g konsert iqwal.. tu y over skit dress nie..
Uhuk.. :0 siapa nie? Ok, ni saye la qima.. i'm not really ugly and not pretty just biasa2 jerr..ade pimples and most important, got lot of mole..  :P do I care?? Nope im really appreciate  18years and coming 19 when 7 october 2012 datang menjengah nanti..(sorry gune bahasa rojak.. saye suke style camnie not too english and not too malay.. biasa2 je.. ) saye anak Melaka dan juga tinggal di Melaka, so memang suka sangat jalan2 kat bandar hilir tuh.. best sangat!!! Inshaallah qima akan masukkan entry tentang journey qima kat Melaka nanti.. back to the topic, qima anak yang ke lima dari sembilan adik-beradik.. surprise huh? Yup that pretty much, but qima sangat sayang kan keluarga qima nie.. bile salah seorang tak ada kat rumah, rase sunyik je.. ‘kosong..’(bak kate najwa latif).

Ok guys!  Lets move on with get to know my family!!! Yeay, family which I love and adore much much and much.. I have a big brother dan qima pggil die gemok! Sbb ape? Sbb die sangat jealous kan ktembaman  sye y comel nie ske sangat pggl sye tembam..huh.. that’s why la die dpggl gemok tok memuaskan hatiku ni .. huhu, qima, ade 3 orang kakaq yang cantik taw dan mereka nie sangat baik dan murah hati terutama bariah o name glamour, ary dan jugak kak ummi.. mereka masih lagi single and available.. anyone interested? (Wee..jaat ko qima mjual kakaq kat laman sesawang nie..:P sorry kak ..)  and  the last,2 little sister and another two little boy.. yang bongsu tuh paling manje ..anyway kate pon bongsu kan? Tapi die nie still lg boleh diharapkan tok menolong2 nie.. lets check it out my family photos. :D

Harithah the bongsu tngah main game in Family Day organised by MAYBANK tmpt ayh working.. chaiyokk cha!!
ayah and ani.. hensemnye ayah! ^^

qima and abg zahir. Tgah bermaafan di hari raya Aidilfitri.. korang ade amalkan x tradisi nie? Adik dan kakak o abang  bermaafan di hari mulia ni? if not,better start from now k.:D raya pun nak dekat nie..

kak ema and qhairina.. dua2 cantik n comei.. :D

Ini lah family saye . mane lg 2? Mereke lesap entah di mana, tak dapat di kesan..^^
That’s it! Saye bersame dgn adik y tsayang, the boy is the ‘bongsu’ that girl is the 2nd last.. comel kan3?mcm kakak die lah.. ngee.. gedik sangat qima nie..

ok enough la tuh.. penat org nak scroll ke bawah tgok gambar2 nie..kan3?betol x?? k guys this is me and about my family. I will stop then. But this is not the last! Cuz I will update the new entry about my school life!! Jeng jeng….. :D wait huh..